When I was growing up, I didn’t think much about money. My mum was responsible for everything. Whatever my brothers and I asked for, we got. We never asked for more than necessary, I never complained, and she always provided. Now that I’m older I ask myself how she did it as a single mother. Money was never an issue in our home. Even when I left high school, I still expected her to provide, and she did. But then I needed more than necessary because I wanted to fit in. I wanted money for entertainment and for unnecessary fashion and she would make a plan.
In my adult life I have always worked for money to provide for my own children. I always had an extra job because I get bored easily. But money would just go through my fingers on payday. I eventually went deep into debt, so much so that I took out loans to pay off debts, and it was depressing because I lived as if I had it all. I managed until I became tired of being tired. I was exhausted!
This is when I looked into my life by going to therapy and I started an uncomfortable healing journey to understand the meaning of life. I became so interested in sorting out my life. While my focus was in putting all my energy in raising my three sons well, I became mindful of the quality of life I lived and as such, wellness became my no.1 priority. I invested in self-help and spiritual books and I started to understand what it means to live a worthy life. I started living a quality life, with just enough money. I attended workshops and retreats where I learnt new skills including yoga, meditation and life coaching.
I registered as a Consciousness Life Coach and registered my life coaching business. I thought people would find me easily through word of mouth because I had many friends and I knew a lot of people were troubled somehow, so they needed my support. I thought the word would spread fast but it didn’t. I overlooked the fact that I didn’t have business and marketing skills. When my business hit rock bottom, I had to go back to the drawing board and to find formal employment. It wasn’t difficult to find employment because of my track record and my willingness to learn on the job.
I started putting my focus on learning about entrepreneurship. I attended business development workshops and read books on financial development, which gave me the confidence I needed. I now understand that life happens in stages. Meaning I had to work on finding myself first; then I learnt about Self-Love which leads to Self-worth. Once I know my worth internally it overflows to the external world. I am steady on this journey, knowing that all happens when I AM ready - the readiness of attracting wealth means adopting values to live by, like integrity and accountability – practicing these values to the core is what I am still working on and it is moving me closer to my goal of an abundant life.
I love money, I love a life of quality, so I am patient. The law of attractions means as below so above, as within so without. I know the world is abundant, but I had to realise and feel it to match my vibration with that of the worId. I consider myself a spirit, energy so once I fully encompass this belief without any doubt, money will flow towards me the right way.
This doesn’t mean I will not work. I now only do the work that matches my purpose of life, which feels like I am on holiday. I wake up with a smile on my face looking forward to each day. When I am true to this realisation then all that I wish for, becomes effortless. This is the realisation that we all need to learn.
We will not stress over anything ever, because we always attract what we are.